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Serving the Triad Jewish Community since 1888!

1207 Kensington Dr. High Point, NC 27262
336.884.5522 •

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism


B’nai Israel Congregation in High Point, NC
is a small, active, friendly, and welcoming Congregation.

We have Shabbat Services every Friday evening at 7 p.m.

We welcome all interested in attending.


We help arrange Minyans and services for holidays, Yahrzeits, and other lifecycle events.
We have an active Men’s and Women’s Chevra Kadisha.

All services are streamed via Zoom for those who desire or need to attend remotely.



Shabbat Services are held every Friday evening at 7 the Historic Chapel

1207 Kensington Dr. High Point, NC 27262 

We welcome all interested in attending.​ All services are streamed via Zoom for those who desire to attend remotely as well as those who need to attend remotely because of illness, weather, or distance. 

Services and Community Events

Our services are held in our Historic Chapel. We host Community Meals on various holidays, Israeli style barbecues, our Annual Aliyah Breakfast, Latke luncheon on Hanukkah, and Onegs after the Friday evening Shabbat Service when the Rabbi is leading services. All food events are held in our Cub Room in the same building. Our congregation supports Mobile Meals of High Point. We are the co-founders with Church Women United in 1971.  


The Chapel contains the original Bimah and pews from the 1927 Synagogue, the First Synagogue built by the Congregation. The entire Bimah and Ark assembly were brought to the new Synagogue piece by piece and re-assembled in the Chapel some 60 years ago. Everything you see (Menorahs, Torah Table, Bimah Chairs, etc.) are original from the 1927 Synagogue.

Shabbat Services with Rabbi Kosovske

Rabbi Howard Kosovske leads our Shabbat Services one Shabbat a month. Torah Study usually follows the Saturday morning Shabbat Services. A Festive Oneg follows the Friday evening Shabbat Service when the Rabbi leads the service.

Rabbi Kosovske will also be coming to High Point to lead High Holy Day Services and other Holiday Services through the year. Cantorial Soloist Salkov will also be returning for all the High Holy Day Services.

Rabbi Kosovske Leading Services and Torah Study after Saturday Morning Shabbat Services

A Festive Oneg after Friday Shabbat Services with Rabbi Kosovske



Friday evening Shabbat services every Friday evening at 7 PM.

Rabbi Kosovske returns to High Point one Shabbat a month to lead us in Shabbat Friday evening and Saturday Morning Services.  A festive Oneg will follow Friday Evening Services with the Rabbi and also on selective holidays. 

His tentative scheduled visits for the upcoming year are as follows:

Please remember that these dates may be subject to change. We will notify everyone in plenty of time should this occur:



December 26-28  Hanukah Services and Hanukah Latke Luncheon on Sunday 12-28.  Festive Oneg after Friday Shabbat Service


We will notify you of any change to the dates.   More details will follow.

January 24&25  Shabbat Services.  Festive Oneg after Friday Service.

February 21&22  Shabbat Services.  Festive Oneg after Friday Service.

March 14&15  Purim   Shabbat Services.  Festive Oneg after Friday Service.

Apri;l 4&5  Shabbat Services.  Festive Oneg after Friday Service.

May 16&7   Shabbat Services.  Festive Oneg after Friday Service.

June 20&1  Shabbat Services.  Festive Oneg after Friday Service.




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